Jury/Committee/Official Companions Only - JCR International Competition Budapest 2024

Budapest 2024

István Pesti

Officier Maître Rôtisseur


As the pinnacle of his professional success so far, in March 2015 he received a Michelin star as chef de cuisine at Tanti Budapest a few months after the restaurant opened.


In the same year, he took over the management of the kitchen of the restaurant now called Platán Bistro, formerly called Platán Restaurant & Café, with a definite vision: to show that rural hospitality is capable of representing a quality of which we can be justly proud.


Platán reached another milestone in the spring of 2021. After a long wait, he opened the Platán Gourmet restaurant, which follows the fine dining concept which, in 2022. The restaurant became Hungary's first and only 2 Michelin star restaurant in the countryside.